Company Information

You can edit logo and name in FranDo CRM > [Company Information].

※You cannot change your [Country] or [Space Name] of custom subdomain.

Register/Edit logo

  1. Click [Edit].

  2. Click [Choose file] .

  3. Choose picture file (.png/.jpg/.gif File), then cut it to right size.

  4. Click [Save].

Change Organization

  1. Default is same as [Free Trial]

  2. When you change it, type new name to [Organization]

  3. Click [Save] .

Register/Edit Region or State

  1. Enter it in [Region/State]

  2. Click [Save]

Change URL

  1. Default is same as [Free Trial]

  2. When you change it, Type new URL to [URL]

  3. Click [Save]

Register/Edit Business Category

  1. Enter new category in [Business Category]

  2. Click [Save]

  • Organization and Region/State will be the target of User Search

  • Organization and URL will be shown in user's [Smart Message], whose connected with you.